Monday, November 29, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am thankful for what seems like my infinite patience, as the new cat has destroyed two roles of toilet paper and interfered with my sleep all week. Plus, I have an almost five year old whose grampy taught her to stick out her tongue at me every time I say anything to her. It's so weird, because it doesn't hurt my feelings, and yet I find myself reacting to it almost automatically, which is why she keeps doing it. I know. Anyway, the household in which I live inspires me to be a better person, in more ways than the negative ones I already mentioned.
We are looking forward to a full weekend. Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We are looking forward to a full weekend. Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sleeping Beauty

His name is Sleeping Beauty. He's very sweet. Our other cat, Charlie, has yet to warm up to him completely though. And he already broke a lampshade. :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
I Hate You
One day a couple weeks ago, Molly very calmly and without obvious emotion said, "I hate you, and I want to live with Grammy." I have reached a point in my life where I know that I should not take such comments personally, and really the words did not upset me at all. I was, however, a bit concerned about the "sky is blue" tone of voice with which she said it. Of course, the very same night at the end of the bedtime routine, she clung to me and said all dramatic like, "I'm never going to leave you." Again, I understood the polarity of four year old feminine emotions. I just kept wondering what it meant, that calm voice that seemed more interested in starting a conversation than getting a rise out of me. She didn't seem angry, and not even really cold. What does it all mean? I wondered.
I told Molly at the time, that if I let her go live with her grammy, she would end up feeling disappointed in me for not taking care of her and doing right by her. She didn't believe me, of course, and has repeated her request to go live with Grammy several times since. I'm sure this is normal. I'm sure I wanted to go live with my grandmas when I was a kid too.
But my thoughts keep going back to that moment when she sat on the toilet while I ran her a bath, and she said, "I hate you..." I think I know what's missing besides anger. Fear. She doesn't have to wait until I've made her mad to express this emotion, and she's not afraid of me. I think this means that I am succeeding in my goals as her mother. Somewhere along the way I decided I didn't want Molly to be afraid of me, because I think a fear based morality is, in the end, counterproductive. I think this means that I'm on the path I want to be on.
Of course, no one can tell the future, and I could totally be raising a psychopath. But I don't think so. And I guess we'll see what she does with the kitten we get her for her birthday. :0)
I told Molly at the time, that if I let her go live with her grammy, she would end up feeling disappointed in me for not taking care of her and doing right by her. She didn't believe me, of course, and has repeated her request to go live with Grammy several times since. I'm sure this is normal. I'm sure I wanted to go live with my grandmas when I was a kid too.
But my thoughts keep going back to that moment when she sat on the toilet while I ran her a bath, and she said, "I hate you..." I think I know what's missing besides anger. Fear. She doesn't have to wait until I've made her mad to express this emotion, and she's not afraid of me. I think this means that I am succeeding in my goals as her mother. Somewhere along the way I decided I didn't want Molly to be afraid of me, because I think a fear based morality is, in the end, counterproductive. I think this means that I'm on the path I want to be on.
Of course, no one can tell the future, and I could totally be raising a psychopath. But I don't think so. And I guess we'll see what she does with the kitten we get her for her birthday. :0)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Gotta Brag On My Girl
When I took Molly to school yesterday, the Pre-K assistant told me that they gave the class a little test and she did very well on it. She also said they wanted to send books home with her to read, which they haven't done yet, but I'm sure the wheels turn slowly. Anyway, I'm real excited and I'm glad that Molly is enjoying school. I hope that continues. :0) If her current sassy-ness is any indication, I can't wait for 15! Woohoo!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Blah, blah, blah.
Well, I got lots of page views after that whole blog about Oklahoma's state questions that passed and now everyone has gone away. :( I did read an article about how the courts do actually use the Ten Commandments to decide intent, but that state question could actually be interpreted to include a ban on the Ten Commandments. Ha! Ha! Which goes to show you that when you to try to repress the rights of others you repress your own freedom. I can't find the article now, unfortunately, but hopefully with the lawsuits, reason will win out.
The past few weeks have been busy for me, and I'm planning on taking it easy this weekend. I do have lots of work I'd like to do, but I just do not feel like carting my child to any play dates or birthday parties or anything else! Good luck with that I guess!
The past few weeks have been busy for me, and I'm planning on taking it easy this weekend. I do have lots of work I'd like to do, but I just do not feel like carting my child to any play dates or birthday parties or anything else! Good luck with that I guess!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Leader says Oklahoma's Muslim community is feeling backlash from Sharia law amendment | NewsOK.com
Leader says Oklahoma's Muslim community is feeling backlash from Sharia law amendment | NewsOK.com
What did I say? This is unacceptable! This is not the kind of place I want to live in.
What did I say? This is unacceptable! This is not the kind of place I want to live in.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Here's Molly on "Dress Like Your
Favorite Character From a Book"
Day. (The school Halloween party day.)
Favorite Character From a Book"
Day. (The school Halloween party day.)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
State Questions
Okay, I actually expected Mary Fallin to win, in the end, and although I'm disappointed, I'm not really surprised. What I am most upset about are four state questions that passed. I'll start with the one about showing your ID to vote.
In reality it wouldn't be that big of a deal to show my ID or sign something stating that I am who I am(something I already have to do when I sign the register.) The point is this law passed because people in Oklahoma are afraid that illegal immigrants are somehow getting themselves on the roles and voting minorities into office or some such nonsense. And, honestly I can't say that's never happened, but I can say that I don't care if it has, because it wouldn't make sense for someone who is illegal to bring attention to themselves, because if they get caught they will get sent back to a country that will probably imprison them for wanting things like free speech and voting rights. But the people in my state sent a clear message to all those illegal immigrants that we are no better than the country they came from because we don't want people we don't like to vote either. Because this question was not about efficiency or accuracy or even illegal immigrants, it's about intimidating legal, minority voters who were either born here or who became naturalized citizens the legal way.
The second state question that upset me that passed was the one that makes the English language the official language. What is interesting is that it makes exceptions for tribal languages and does not forbid the use of other languages in other situations. Again, it makes no practical sense, because the state's business is already done in English. But it sure did send a message, not just to illegal Mexican immigrants but to those who have come here legally and are still struggling to communicate effectively in our "official" language.
Of course, we can't overlook the whole opting out of the Health Care Reform Bill. I thought it interesting that while reading the question on the ballot, it actually said that this question could not override federal law. WTF! What was the point? We sent a message to that crazy Muslim in the White House that we don't like him and never will, no matter how hard he tries to make our lives better.
Finally I will tackle the stupidest one. That's right the one covering sharia law. This one makes absolutely no sense what so ever. This is like saying the courts can't use the Ten Commandments to decide cases, which they don't do. The Ten Commandments and Sharia Law are religious law and as far as I know the courts refer to legal law when deciding cases. But I think Muslims understand now that they are not welcome in our state. And that's a damn shame.
In reality it wouldn't be that big of a deal to show my ID or sign something stating that I am who I am(something I already have to do when I sign the register.) The point is this law passed because people in Oklahoma are afraid that illegal immigrants are somehow getting themselves on the roles and voting minorities into office or some such nonsense. And, honestly I can't say that's never happened, but I can say that I don't care if it has, because it wouldn't make sense for someone who is illegal to bring attention to themselves, because if they get caught they will get sent back to a country that will probably imprison them for wanting things like free speech and voting rights. But the people in my state sent a clear message to all those illegal immigrants that we are no better than the country they came from because we don't want people we don't like to vote either. Because this question was not about efficiency or accuracy or even illegal immigrants, it's about intimidating legal, minority voters who were either born here or who became naturalized citizens the legal way.
The second state question that upset me that passed was the one that makes the English language the official language. What is interesting is that it makes exceptions for tribal languages and does not forbid the use of other languages in other situations. Again, it makes no practical sense, because the state's business is already done in English. But it sure did send a message, not just to illegal Mexican immigrants but to those who have come here legally and are still struggling to communicate effectively in our "official" language.
Of course, we can't overlook the whole opting out of the Health Care Reform Bill. I thought it interesting that while reading the question on the ballot, it actually said that this question could not override federal law. WTF! What was the point? We sent a message to that crazy Muslim in the White House that we don't like him and never will, no matter how hard he tries to make our lives better.
Finally I will tackle the stupidest one. That's right the one covering sharia law. This one makes absolutely no sense what so ever. This is like saying the courts can't use the Ten Commandments to decide cases, which they don't do. The Ten Commandments and Sharia Law are religious law and as far as I know the courts refer to legal law when deciding cases. But I think Muslims understand now that they are not welcome in our state. And that's a damn shame.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Okay, I'm writing this at 9:30pm on election day. Mike and I have decided that we are going to save up all the money that we can, then we'll sell the house and move away from this crazy conservative state. Mary Fallin indeed! If only she had her own thoughts!
So, Mike wants to go to Northern California and I am leaning towards New England-ish. What do you think?
So, Mike wants to go to Northern California and I am leaning towards New England-ish. What do you think?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Plodding On!
I'm still feeling uninspired and all. But, I know from experience, that once I lose that momentum thing, I'll just give up. I'll start us off today with a life update.
Halloween was fun. We went trick or treating with Molly's new cousin and two older cousins. Molly got lots of candy that I have been eating.
Mike has been making all kinds of soap. He bought soapedup.com, but it's not up yet. We are still in the experimental stages. Everyone seems to like the oatmeal soap. He's all excited about a craft fair coming up in April. That should be fun.
My mother's having an angio-gram tomorrow. I'm not sure what to think about that. Let's see, that sounded bad. I hope everything is alright and all, I'm just worried that it's not I guess. We shall see soon enough.
I've gotten my yarn collection down to a more manageable size, which is good. I took some stuff to The Infant Crisis Services and The Goodwill. My mind feels less cluttered as a result. I've been watching Hoarders on Netflix. I can see some of the thought processes at work in my own head, although I've done a lot of work prior to watching the show on said thought processes. The few episodes that I watched really hit a nerve. I feel good about my own emotional progress, but it's good to be reminded sometimes of how bad things can get, unless you are the example of how bad things can get.
I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the Return to Sanity Rally. But I will make up for it by voting today. You should vote too. Vote or I will beat you over the head! (Fascist!) Yes.
Yay for voting!
Halloween was fun. We went trick or treating with Molly's new cousin and two older cousins. Molly got lots of candy that I have been eating.
Mike has been making all kinds of soap. He bought soapedup.com, but it's not up yet. We are still in the experimental stages. Everyone seems to like the oatmeal soap. He's all excited about a craft fair coming up in April. That should be fun.
My mother's having an angio-gram tomorrow. I'm not sure what to think about that. Let's see, that sounded bad. I hope everything is alright and all, I'm just worried that it's not I guess. We shall see soon enough.
I've gotten my yarn collection down to a more manageable size, which is good. I took some stuff to The Infant Crisis Services and The Goodwill. My mind feels less cluttered as a result. I've been watching Hoarders on Netflix. I can see some of the thought processes at work in my own head, although I've done a lot of work prior to watching the show on said thought processes. The few episodes that I watched really hit a nerve. I feel good about my own emotional progress, but it's good to be reminded sometimes of how bad things can get, unless you are the example of how bad things can get.
I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the Return to Sanity Rally. But I will make up for it by voting today. You should vote too. Vote or I will beat you over the head! (Fascist!) Yes.
Yay for voting!
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