I'm feeling a bit giddy this morning. I think I might get some work done today! (I will explain more later.) I have closets to rearrange and cat boxes to clean out and bags of toys to go through. Motherhood is so lovely. (That wasn't sarcastic.) It's also almost time for gardening again. In fact I should probably already have started those seeds I got for Christmas.
Yesterday, on the way home from visiting friends, we passed some Libyan protesters, and Molly wanted to know what they were doing. So I tried to explain to her that in a country far away the people that lived there wanted to be free because their president was a mean jerk. (I tried to put it in a way that she might understand.) And then I was trying to explain that some of the people that lived there had come here to live and that they wanted to show their support for their family and friends back home. Anyway, I just started crying and then Molly decided she wanted to go there and live. But just for a day. It wasn't until last night that I read just how bad it really was. Living under that regime must have been completely unbearable for those people to continue to risk such carnage. My heart goes out to them as I sit in my safe American home.
But I am still in good spirits despite the state of things in other parts of the world. I take it as a sign that things are changing for the better around the world. Freedom often comes with a very high price unfortunately. Meanwhile I have cleaning to do and a five year old to feed. And a few other things on my mind.....
I am concerned about the corrosive effects of repeated viewings of Hannah Montana episodes on Netflix. Molly has been awful saucy lately. Nothing a few lashings won't cure. Not really, but she has been spending a lot of time in the naughty chair the past few days. I'm just wondering if the two things are related. I have found in general that her behavior is often linked up with something going on in her life. Unfortunately I don't always pick up on it right away. And I guess I'm just supposed to know. But then I remember when I was a kid, people would say something to me and I would think, "Can't you see it? Can't you just tell by looking at me that there's something wrong with me? Isn't it obvious?" But it's not. It's like being a television detective. And you also have to ask a lot of questions. But overall it continues to be a joy and an honor to serve her. ( I use the term serve with a non slavery, non Hegelian mentality. To truly serve, I think it takes love and desire, not a resignation to a lack of choices and fear for one's one life.) OMG! I can hear the Hannah Montana dialogue behind me while I type this and it's horrible, just horrible. ("I didn't like him, like him.")
Okay, I know what my lack of focus and mindless Bejeweled Blitz playing is all about and I will inform my readers at a later date. But I think I have an idea of how to combat it in the days to come. I woke up with a renewed spirit today. :0) It's amazing what a little exercise will do for you. Things are looking a little brighter and the future looks exciting! I haven't been making to do lists lately and I need to get back on that. I still have lots of ideas and Mike is working on his Soaped Up website. On a more personal front, Molly is reading at the first level of I Can Read books. Very proud. It's amazing to me that she can just lay there and watch tv all morning almost every day and she's not over weight and she is super smart. I think she must take after her father. Although I think I was always smarter than I believed I was. Good genes maybe. Lucky in other words. Future leader of the free world maybe? :0)
Anyways, lots of work to do. Announcements to come at a later date. Ugh! Lots of work to do!
I read an interesting blog post today about passive aggressive behavior. I found it enlightening.
So, I tried to clean the house yesterday while we were all snowed in, but I only got the upstairs done. And really I fell kind of bad about how I cleaned Molly's room. She kept laying around whining and not helping. I got mad and put everything in garbage bags. I warned her several times, but by that time she just kept crying. But I have realized that maybe she needs a little more daily instruction and support. She is only five. So, when she gets done erasing the pencil marks off the wall she can earn one toy back. If she can keep her room clean until next Friday, she can earn another toy back, etc. Unfortunately, though, I have to go back through all that crap I stuck in the spare room and still get rid of a couple things. How do they get so many toys?
Today, I'm going to clean the downstairs and I'm probably going to have to take Molly outside in the 4 degrees F. weather, because she really wants to build a snowman. We'll see what happens with that. I gotta go check the faucets.
Check it OUT! Molly seems to enjoy the modeling. Hmm. Good? Not good? Pink and green hair clips and a new batch of patchouli soap-new and improved!
Also, my Valentine's Day Coupon Code on etsy is now in effect. Valentine11 If you'd like to receive your order before Valentine's Day, head over to my shop as soon as possible. I'm thinking February 7th or 8th at the latest. Thanks!