Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Some Pictures For Fun :0)

We'll start with a picture of my belly.  It's not the best picture of me, 
but you can see how big my boy is getting. 

Molly was driving me crazy on Sunday, so I set her to work on painting a couple onesies.  The first one is a butterfly.  The next one is an S for Linus.  

 Mike put in a cat door so that cats could go in the garage and do their business instead of doing it in the closet of the baby's room.  We often walk by and see this.  For some reason, it just seems so funny.  I wonder if this is why the electric bill is so high? 


Well, I've got about a month left to go.  Let's see what I can do with my month of quiet time. :0)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Pants

I have also finished the pants that I knitted for my boy.  :0)

We've got our first parent teacher conference tomorrow.  Molly's teacher seems super nice. I'm so glad, what with her security issues and all.  I think she's made a lot of progress since school started because she's spent so much time away from me.   I would like to assure the world, that Molly being scared to leave my side serves me no purpose whatsoever. None.  I love her.  I don't want her to be afraid to leave me.  I want her to be free to live her life her way.  I want that for Linus too.  Hmmm.  Linus Michael?  Linus Anthrax?  Linus Aristotle?  ( You know, of course, that Aristotle was a misogynist, an imperialist and a slave owner.)  Linus Franklin?  Franklin is from Peanuts too though isn't it?  

Well, I have a five year old's room to clean.  Yay!
Despite the obvious suffering, life is still grand, isn't it?

Monday, August 22, 2011


The baby's room is painted and just about ready for curtains and furnishings.  Yay!  His placenta has moved up and is out of the way.  I go to the OB on Thursday and hopefully find out what we'll do from there.  I bought some pjs over the weekend to wear at the hospital.  Now I just need an overnight bag.  :D  And actually, I'm making some wool slippers that I think I shall wear.  That's one thing I distinctly remember from having Molly, cold feet, even with socks.

Well, I have a busy week ahead and this kid is really wearing me out. 

Oh, I have to mention, HOORAY! for the Libyan rebels! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Everything's A Mess!

We are trying to finish up the baby's room and just about everything that's been stored in it is at the top of the stairs or in the living room.  Molly's room is a giant mess.  Did you know it's the middle of August??!!!!!!!!!!! That means we only have about SIX weeks!  I had really hoped to have more done by now!  

Freak out!

Freak out!

Freak out!

I have been staying busy, but I've been taking it easy at the same time with my all day kindergarten still have to get up at seven even if I don't sleep well thing going on.  But now, I must really get busy, eh?  Maybe I'll sleep better if I wear myself out more.  Yeah, that's it.

Freak out!

Freak out!

Freak out!

I think I need to do a Facebook ban.  I keep reading articles about politics and stuff.  It's all driving me crazy.  Those tea party guys are making me mad.  Why do I let bullies make me mad?  They aren't worth the energy.  Except when they are in a position to make decisions about my health care needs.  I still owe the hospital money!!!!!

Freak out!

Freak out!

Freak out!

No, really.  I'm okay.  I'll take things as they come, like I usually do.  And I'll get to meet my boy soon.  :0)

Check out this etsy shop full of darling crochet patterns!

Back to the cleaning and knitting and sewing and organizing and trying not to beat the kitty.  :D  (Laughing because I have to .)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I am so happy this morning to wake up to dark clouds hiding the sun.  :0)

 Here's a couple pictures from Mike and Molly making my birthday cake.  Notice that Molly is angry she doesn't get to help put the icing on.  :D   

Mike took a couple of me with the finished cake, but somehow I look insane in every one. Have a happy storm day, if you are so lucky.  I, myself, will so be off to get my uterus measured again. Yay!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm Still Enjoying the All Day Kindergarten!

I am still adjusting to getting up at 7 instead of 8 or 9 or 10.  It's not so bad really, except when the pregnancy insomnia sets in.  Blah.  

But this afternoon I had exceptional energy levels, and I thought, how odd. Hmmmmm.  What could it be?  And then I realized that it had only gotten to like 97 today.  I wasn't dying from the heat!  

So I cleaned out the pool (which was really dirty because of a crazy, windy, ten minute storm last night), and Molly and I went swimming after dinner.  I actually felt a little cold after the sun started setting.  It was so nice. I can't wait to plant for the fall.  

I had a nice quiet birthday over the weekend, although I felt a bit irritable with Molly.  I will get pictures of the cake Mike and Molly made up at a later date.  :0)

I also had lots of plans for work this week and I just haven't felt like focusing on what I should do.  I'll see what I can do tomorrow and Thursday.  ;0)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

All By Myself

Whoever decided that all day kindergarten should be mandated in the state of Oklahoma is officially my best friend, or are my best friends.  Unless, of course one of them is Sally Kern, and then in that one case I take it back.  :0)   This is just the sort of rest and relaxation that I needed to work into my day, too bad it's only until late Septemberish or early Octoberish. Then I will have even more work to do!  Yay!

Here's a couple of pictures that Mike found on his old phone when we got new ones.

 She's so awesome and all that, but sometimes I miss the little her. :0)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Vacation is Over

School starts today.  :) and :( 
While I was away, we picked some wonderful cantaloupes in the garden.  The first one was the smallest melon I have ever seen in my life. :)

Mike made some Thai cucumber slices from a recipe he got at work.  The original recipe is for a quart jar.  You fill it with half water half vinegar and put a quarter cup of sugar in it.  Add a cut up jalapeno.  They'll keep for a couple weeks that way. The jar looked so pretty next to my cantaloupe bowl.  :0)  While I am sad about the lack of tomatoes and green beans, we are now planning our fall garden.  Mike has already planted some brusselsprouts.   As soon as I get the useless tomato and green bean plants pulled up, we plan on getting some peas, cabbage, and winter squash going.