Monday, September 10, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Oh, my goodness!  I forgot how much work a baby is. I am grateful for Yo Gabbagabba! (I am full of exclamation points today! I'm hoping it will trick my brain into finding new sources of energy!!!!!!!)  Oh!  And nap time!  Here's a list of what's going on with me:

1.  Linus is standing by himself now, and will walk from Mom to Dad and back if we make him.

2.  I joined the PTA!  

3.  I've been doing a little lap swimming at the YMCA!  But I don't want to share a lane, so I make Mike meet me there.  I can share a lane with him. :0)  Linus stays in the Child Watch.  I can't figure out if he likes it or not. 

4. Squash bugs ate our squash, watermelon, and squmpkins.  :0(

5. I did plant some lettuce though.  Fingers crossed!

6. We went to Molly's first conference for the first grade and the teacher said she is very positive and has good things to say about everyone.  This makes me so happy!

7. I still need to make more money!  I have made a couple more bath mats.  I plan on having them up this week as well as a couple other things.  Fingers crossed!

8.  Mike was off last week and we had a nice relaxing time and he got the garage cleaned out!  ;0)

9.  Now looking ahead to the next couple of months and I realize I have TWO birthday parties to plan!!!!!!!!!

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