Monday, July 26, 2010

It's This or The Gulag!

I'm starting the blogging week off on a sleepy-ish, Monday kind of tone.  It's also my last week before Molly starts school, so I'm going to try and line up some activities that we probably won't get to do until Fall break. Today is library day because I don't want to do anything else and the library only takes a half hour or so.  I still have lots of work to do that I meant to do while Molly was at my mom's.

I had a great week end.   On Friday I took several deep breaths and finally did the sock heel that I started back in February or whenever it was. Anyhow, I did it.  I did a  sock heel!  I'm working on the instep now.  I'll take a photo when I finish it.  Saturday we went to Pop's in Arcadia. We bought some Dr. Pepper that had sugar in it.  Very, very good. I also got a bottle of Leninade which was decent enough lemonade flavored soda pop, but the bottle was hilarious.  "A taste worth standing in line for."  

After lunch at Pop's we went to my aunt's for a family pool party.  I swam for a couple of hours hoping to work off some of my back fat.  Ha!ha!  I forgot to take my camera, so I didn't get any pictures of Molly hanging out on the steps.  She would hold onto the bar and get her whole body in the water, but still be holding on to the rail, and then say,  "Look Grammy!  I'm all the way in!"

I didn't think to take a picture of the Leninade until after I'd drunk it all, so it was hard to get the full effect.

Yesterday we were all a bit tired and grumpy but I managed to get some work done anyway.  Today the plan is to go to the library before lunch and give Molly a hair cut after lunch.  I want to work on the sock, but I need to get etsy stuff done too. What to do, what to do! 

Don't forget to vote in the primaries tomorrow!

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