Last year my New Year's Resolution was to -drum roll please- lose weight of course. And I did lose about ten pounds. My victory however, has been in the fact that I have not gained it back. That makes me happy. I would like to lose about fifteen more, but since my boobs are bigger and my hips wider, I'm not sure how low to go. But Molly and I will be walking to school again starting next week and I am actually getting excited about the idea of dropping at least a few pounds.
But that's not the New Year's Resolution that I care so much about. I have decided after reading this post on a blog that I stumbled across at some point and enjoy reading, that I am no longer going to be a coward. I will speak my mind. If this Aunt Becky can make it through having an autistic son and a daughter who had to have brain surgery as a baby, then surely I can overcome my own issues. And while I'm still hesitant to give out details, because I'm not completely certain that I know all the details, I would like to say a few things.
I know now why I've always been so full of self-doubt. When the people you look up to the most continuously argue with you and tell you that the things you know are real aren't real, you don't question those people. You doubt you're own ability to judge the world. When every move you make is wrong, with a few seemingly random rights thrown in, you doubt yourself. That is until you grow up. At some point, all those moments that should have been guided by compassion and understanding come back. They are looked at anew. You can fool a five year old. You cannot fool a thirty-five year old, because the truth has always been there, waiting to see the light.
There are other people who have had much worse experiences than me, and I don't pretend to know what it's like for those people, but this has always served as a sense of guilt on my part. But I wasn't beaten-and I am grateful for that- but I wasn't raped or belittled in public etc.-and I am grateful that things weren't worse than they were. However, I will no longer use those things as a measuring stick. If something is wrong, it is wrong, no matter the severity.
There are people in this world that I will always, always, love. I can't help it. But I won't let those people determine my sense of reality anymore. And I won't let them throw that love back in my face. And I will-and have-created something new in my life. And I will live the way I want. And from now on I will say what I want on my blog. I'm sure I will make mistakes and I'm sure I will misunderstand things, but I will do it with love and boldness, not cowardice and timidity. That is what I am looking forward to in the new year. I invite all to join me!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
After Christmas Sale
I decided to mark everything on my etsy site way down for an after Christmas clearance sale. We'll see what happens.
Check out this.
And this.
Sale ends January 1, 2011.
I'm also hoping to raise a little cash in order to widen my yarn horizons and develop some more interesting items to sell in the New Year. Unfortunately, I'm not a designer, and I don't know how dependent I want to be on other people's patterns. That's one reason it's been so slow going. I do have lots of ideas though that I'm super excited about.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas, etc. I hope the New Year goes well for everyone. I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Ellen who is having an especially rough holiday season. Hang in there Ellen!
Check out this.
And this.
Sale ends January 1, 2011.
I'm also hoping to raise a little cash in order to widen my yarn horizons and develop some more interesting items to sell in the New Year. Unfortunately, I'm not a designer, and I don't know how dependent I want to be on other people's patterns. That's one reason it's been so slow going. I do have lots of ideas though that I'm super excited about.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas, etc. I hope the New Year goes well for everyone. I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Ellen who is having an especially rough holiday season. Hang in there Ellen!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Christmas!
I really do wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy other Holidays.
The past week and a half has been a bit rough for us. I don't wish my problems on anyone. But one thing I know is that I will not apologize for myself, my feelings, or my thought processes and the conclusions I draw from them. I'm done feeling bad for wanting to be happy and alive. Although I don't want to go into detail at this time, because of the nature of the internet and all, and because nothing seems to be resolved at this time, I know and am confident that I have the best of intentions. I also know that I am a smart person with amazing analytic abilities. I understand what logical fallacies are and I am able to look at any given situation, even those involving my child, with as objective a viewpoint as possible and look for the truth that is and not look for the truth that I want to see. Any assumption that I make can dissolve quite easily if given evidence to the contrary. At this time, I have nothing else to go on, but a dismissive explanation and a refusal to acknowledge a basic right to be heard.
And I am left with one question. How I can ever expect my daughter to stick up for herself when she's an adult, if I can't stick up for her when she's five? And when I ask myself this question, my whole life seems to make sense. I apologize to no one.
Have a fun and happy week and weekend and thanks for letting me go off on a tangent without much explanation. Thanks to everyone who reads! I have enjoyed baring my soul to you.
The past week and a half has been a bit rough for us. I don't wish my problems on anyone. But one thing I know is that I will not apologize for myself, my feelings, or my thought processes and the conclusions I draw from them. I'm done feeling bad for wanting to be happy and alive. Although I don't want to go into detail at this time, because of the nature of the internet and all, and because nothing seems to be resolved at this time, I know and am confident that I have the best of intentions. I also know that I am a smart person with amazing analytic abilities. I understand what logical fallacies are and I am able to look at any given situation, even those involving my child, with as objective a viewpoint as possible and look for the truth that is and not look for the truth that I want to see. Any assumption that I make can dissolve quite easily if given evidence to the contrary. At this time, I have nothing else to go on, but a dismissive explanation and a refusal to acknowledge a basic right to be heard.
And I am left with one question. How I can ever expect my daughter to stick up for herself when she's an adult, if I can't stick up for her when she's five? And when I ask myself this question, my whole life seems to make sense. I apologize to no one.
Have a fun and happy week and weekend and thanks for letting me go off on a tangent without much explanation. Thanks to everyone who reads! I have enjoyed baring my soul to you.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I would like to address:
This whole Happy Holidays thing. As someone who does not believe that a virgin can or could or ever will have a miraculous child implanted by some supreme being in the sky, I really don't care how you refer to this particular holiday. And it is a holiday, so it should be okay for me to wish you a Happy Holiday, right?
What does this holiday mean to me then? If I don't believe in the religious aspect of it? Well, it is also a cultural experience. If you have a job, most people get the day off anyway, why not spend it with people you care about. The Santa thing is kind of fun for kids. They get some candy in their stockings, an Olivia Doll House under the tree, etc. Why not?
If I refer to Christmas as a holiday, how does that detract from it? I recognize that other people in my community are not celebrating Christmas, but rather some other "holiday" from their own cultural experience. I have, really no idea what Kwanza is, but if you are celebrating it, I hope you have a good one. Isn't there some Islamic holiday going on right now as well? I hope all of the holidays go well for everyone. This is a genuine sentiment. Because, although I don't believe in the supernatural aspect of any religion, the strength of my convictions is not dependent on what other people believe or think about the world.
So, I say it loud, I say it clear. (Sen. Inhoffe)
Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It's been a weird week. There was the fever on Wednesday, along with the REALLY bad sore throat that is still lingering. This morning was the Pre-K Christmas party. Both the a.m. and p.m. classes were there, as well as the mentors from Chesapeake. The room was packed and hot and I spent a lot of time running around with a giant trash bag. I'm not complaining though. Honestly.
Molly is at my mom's this weekend and we got about half of our Christmas shopping done this evening. Yay! I'm also going to be looking after one of Molly's classmates a few days a week which I think will be fun for Molly. I was sleepy this afternoon so I drank a bunch of coffee and now I am unable to sleep. :0)
Molly is at my mom's this weekend and we got about half of our Christmas shopping done this evening. Yay! I'm also going to be looking after one of Molly's classmates a few days a week which I think will be fun for Molly. I was sleepy this afternoon so I drank a bunch of coffee and now I am unable to sleep. :0)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Food Drive
We decided to have a food drive for Molly's birthday instead of presents. One of my friends had to do something for work so she took up a collection and bought lots of stuff. Everyone else brought lots of food as well. I really thought everyone would just bring a can. I didn't expect the level of generosity that I witnessed. Thanks to everyone who made the food drive such a success.
So, we dropped the food off at the Regional Food Bank yesterday, Molly and I. I loaded the car back up while she was at school, and we drove out after I picked her up. She complained the whole way that she was hungry, which I thought was ironic. I just told her that's what happens when you don't eat all your lunch. :0) Someone named Angie took our picture at the food bank, and it's supposed to be going up on the website. But I noticed when I went to the website that Governor Elect, Mary Fallon was also there yesterday, so we'll see what happens.
So, we dropped the food off at the Regional Food Bank yesterday, Molly and I. I loaded the car back up while she was at school, and we drove out after I picked her up. She complained the whole way that she was hungry, which I thought was ironic. I just told her that's what happens when you don't eat all your lunch. :0) Someone named Angie took our picture at the food bank, and it's supposed to be going up on the website. But I noticed when I went to the website that Governor Elect, Mary Fallon was also there yesterday, so we'll see what happens.
Monday, November 29, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am thankful for what seems like my infinite patience, as the new cat has destroyed two roles of toilet paper and interfered with my sleep all week. Plus, I have an almost five year old whose grampy taught her to stick out her tongue at me every time I say anything to her. It's so weird, because it doesn't hurt my feelings, and yet I find myself reacting to it almost automatically, which is why she keeps doing it. I know. Anyway, the household in which I live inspires me to be a better person, in more ways than the negative ones I already mentioned.
We are looking forward to a full weekend. Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving!
We are looking forward to a full weekend. Yay!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sleeping Beauty

His name is Sleeping Beauty. He's very sweet. Our other cat, Charlie, has yet to warm up to him completely though. And he already broke a lampshade. :)
Monday, November 15, 2010
I Hate You
One day a couple weeks ago, Molly very calmly and without obvious emotion said, "I hate you, and I want to live with Grammy." I have reached a point in my life where I know that I should not take such comments personally, and really the words did not upset me at all. I was, however, a bit concerned about the "sky is blue" tone of voice with which she said it. Of course, the very same night at the end of the bedtime routine, she clung to me and said all dramatic like, "I'm never going to leave you." Again, I understood the polarity of four year old feminine emotions. I just kept wondering what it meant, that calm voice that seemed more interested in starting a conversation than getting a rise out of me. She didn't seem angry, and not even really cold. What does it all mean? I wondered.
I told Molly at the time, that if I let her go live with her grammy, she would end up feeling disappointed in me for not taking care of her and doing right by her. She didn't believe me, of course, and has repeated her request to go live with Grammy several times since. I'm sure this is normal. I'm sure I wanted to go live with my grandmas when I was a kid too.
But my thoughts keep going back to that moment when she sat on the toilet while I ran her a bath, and she said, "I hate you..." I think I know what's missing besides anger. Fear. She doesn't have to wait until I've made her mad to express this emotion, and she's not afraid of me. I think this means that I am succeeding in my goals as her mother. Somewhere along the way I decided I didn't want Molly to be afraid of me, because I think a fear based morality is, in the end, counterproductive. I think this means that I'm on the path I want to be on.
Of course, no one can tell the future, and I could totally be raising a psychopath. But I don't think so. And I guess we'll see what she does with the kitten we get her for her birthday. :0)
I told Molly at the time, that if I let her go live with her grammy, she would end up feeling disappointed in me for not taking care of her and doing right by her. She didn't believe me, of course, and has repeated her request to go live with Grammy several times since. I'm sure this is normal. I'm sure I wanted to go live with my grandmas when I was a kid too.
But my thoughts keep going back to that moment when she sat on the toilet while I ran her a bath, and she said, "I hate you..." I think I know what's missing besides anger. Fear. She doesn't have to wait until I've made her mad to express this emotion, and she's not afraid of me. I think this means that I am succeeding in my goals as her mother. Somewhere along the way I decided I didn't want Molly to be afraid of me, because I think a fear based morality is, in the end, counterproductive. I think this means that I'm on the path I want to be on.
Of course, no one can tell the future, and I could totally be raising a psychopath. But I don't think so. And I guess we'll see what she does with the kitten we get her for her birthday. :0)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Gotta Brag On My Girl
When I took Molly to school yesterday, the Pre-K assistant told me that they gave the class a little test and she did very well on it. She also said they wanted to send books home with her to read, which they haven't done yet, but I'm sure the wheels turn slowly. Anyway, I'm real excited and I'm glad that Molly is enjoying school. I hope that continues. :0) If her current sassy-ness is any indication, I can't wait for 15! Woohoo!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Blah, blah, blah.
Well, I got lots of page views after that whole blog about Oklahoma's state questions that passed and now everyone has gone away. :( I did read an article about how the courts do actually use the Ten Commandments to decide intent, but that state question could actually be interpreted to include a ban on the Ten Commandments. Ha! Ha! Which goes to show you that when you to try to repress the rights of others you repress your own freedom. I can't find the article now, unfortunately, but hopefully with the lawsuits, reason will win out.
The past few weeks have been busy for me, and I'm planning on taking it easy this weekend. I do have lots of work I'd like to do, but I just do not feel like carting my child to any play dates or birthday parties or anything else! Good luck with that I guess!
The past few weeks have been busy for me, and I'm planning on taking it easy this weekend. I do have lots of work I'd like to do, but I just do not feel like carting my child to any play dates or birthday parties or anything else! Good luck with that I guess!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Leader says Oklahoma's Muslim community is feeling backlash from Sharia law amendment |
Leader says Oklahoma's Muslim community is feeling backlash from Sharia law amendment |
What did I say? This is unacceptable! This is not the kind of place I want to live in.
What did I say? This is unacceptable! This is not the kind of place I want to live in.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Here's Molly on "Dress Like Your
Favorite Character From a Book"
Day. (The school Halloween party day.)
Favorite Character From a Book"
Day. (The school Halloween party day.)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
State Questions
Okay, I actually expected Mary Fallin to win, in the end, and although I'm disappointed, I'm not really surprised. What I am most upset about are four state questions that passed. I'll start with the one about showing your ID to vote.
In reality it wouldn't be that big of a deal to show my ID or sign something stating that I am who I am(something I already have to do when I sign the register.) The point is this law passed because people in Oklahoma are afraid that illegal immigrants are somehow getting themselves on the roles and voting minorities into office or some such nonsense. And, honestly I can't say that's never happened, but I can say that I don't care if it has, because it wouldn't make sense for someone who is illegal to bring attention to themselves, because if they get caught they will get sent back to a country that will probably imprison them for wanting things like free speech and voting rights. But the people in my state sent a clear message to all those illegal immigrants that we are no better than the country they came from because we don't want people we don't like to vote either. Because this question was not about efficiency or accuracy or even illegal immigrants, it's about intimidating legal, minority voters who were either born here or who became naturalized citizens the legal way.
The second state question that upset me that passed was the one that makes the English language the official language. What is interesting is that it makes exceptions for tribal languages and does not forbid the use of other languages in other situations. Again, it makes no practical sense, because the state's business is already done in English. But it sure did send a message, not just to illegal Mexican immigrants but to those who have come here legally and are still struggling to communicate effectively in our "official" language.
Of course, we can't overlook the whole opting out of the Health Care Reform Bill. I thought it interesting that while reading the question on the ballot, it actually said that this question could not override federal law. WTF! What was the point? We sent a message to that crazy Muslim in the White House that we don't like him and never will, no matter how hard he tries to make our lives better.
Finally I will tackle the stupidest one. That's right the one covering sharia law. This one makes absolutely no sense what so ever. This is like saying the courts can't use the Ten Commandments to decide cases, which they don't do. The Ten Commandments and Sharia Law are religious law and as far as I know the courts refer to legal law when deciding cases. But I think Muslims understand now that they are not welcome in our state. And that's a damn shame.
In reality it wouldn't be that big of a deal to show my ID or sign something stating that I am who I am(something I already have to do when I sign the register.) The point is this law passed because people in Oklahoma are afraid that illegal immigrants are somehow getting themselves on the roles and voting minorities into office or some such nonsense. And, honestly I can't say that's never happened, but I can say that I don't care if it has, because it wouldn't make sense for someone who is illegal to bring attention to themselves, because if they get caught they will get sent back to a country that will probably imprison them for wanting things like free speech and voting rights. But the people in my state sent a clear message to all those illegal immigrants that we are no better than the country they came from because we don't want people we don't like to vote either. Because this question was not about efficiency or accuracy or even illegal immigrants, it's about intimidating legal, minority voters who were either born here or who became naturalized citizens the legal way.
The second state question that upset me that passed was the one that makes the English language the official language. What is interesting is that it makes exceptions for tribal languages and does not forbid the use of other languages in other situations. Again, it makes no practical sense, because the state's business is already done in English. But it sure did send a message, not just to illegal Mexican immigrants but to those who have come here legally and are still struggling to communicate effectively in our "official" language.
Of course, we can't overlook the whole opting out of the Health Care Reform Bill. I thought it interesting that while reading the question on the ballot, it actually said that this question could not override federal law. WTF! What was the point? We sent a message to that crazy Muslim in the White House that we don't like him and never will, no matter how hard he tries to make our lives better.
Finally I will tackle the stupidest one. That's right the one covering sharia law. This one makes absolutely no sense what so ever. This is like saying the courts can't use the Ten Commandments to decide cases, which they don't do. The Ten Commandments and Sharia Law are religious law and as far as I know the courts refer to legal law when deciding cases. But I think Muslims understand now that they are not welcome in our state. And that's a damn shame.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Okay, I'm writing this at 9:30pm on election day. Mike and I have decided that we are going to save up all the money that we can, then we'll sell the house and move away from this crazy conservative state. Mary Fallin indeed! If only she had her own thoughts!
So, Mike wants to go to Northern California and I am leaning towards New England-ish. What do you think?
So, Mike wants to go to Northern California and I am leaning towards New England-ish. What do you think?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Plodding On!
I'm still feeling uninspired and all. But, I know from experience, that once I lose that momentum thing, I'll just give up. I'll start us off today with a life update.
Halloween was fun. We went trick or treating with Molly's new cousin and two older cousins. Molly got lots of candy that I have been eating.
Mike has been making all kinds of soap. He bought, but it's not up yet. We are still in the experimental stages. Everyone seems to like the oatmeal soap. He's all excited about a craft fair coming up in April. That should be fun.
My mother's having an angio-gram tomorrow. I'm not sure what to think about that. Let's see, that sounded bad. I hope everything is alright and all, I'm just worried that it's not I guess. We shall see soon enough.
I've gotten my yarn collection down to a more manageable size, which is good. I took some stuff to The Infant Crisis Services and The Goodwill. My mind feels less cluttered as a result. I've been watching Hoarders on Netflix. I can see some of the thought processes at work in my own head, although I've done a lot of work prior to watching the show on said thought processes. The few episodes that I watched really hit a nerve. I feel good about my own emotional progress, but it's good to be reminded sometimes of how bad things can get, unless you are the example of how bad things can get.
I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the Return to Sanity Rally. But I will make up for it by voting today. You should vote too. Vote or I will beat you over the head! (Fascist!) Yes.
Yay for voting!
Halloween was fun. We went trick or treating with Molly's new cousin and two older cousins. Molly got lots of candy that I have been eating.
Mike has been making all kinds of soap. He bought, but it's not up yet. We are still in the experimental stages. Everyone seems to like the oatmeal soap. He's all excited about a craft fair coming up in April. That should be fun.
My mother's having an angio-gram tomorrow. I'm not sure what to think about that. Let's see, that sounded bad. I hope everything is alright and all, I'm just worried that it's not I guess. We shall see soon enough.
I've gotten my yarn collection down to a more manageable size, which is good. I took some stuff to The Infant Crisis Services and The Goodwill. My mind feels less cluttered as a result. I've been watching Hoarders on Netflix. I can see some of the thought processes at work in my own head, although I've done a lot of work prior to watching the show on said thought processes. The few episodes that I watched really hit a nerve. I feel good about my own emotional progress, but it's good to be reminded sometimes of how bad things can get, unless you are the example of how bad things can get.
I'm sorry that I couldn't attend the Return to Sanity Rally. But I will make up for it by voting today. You should vote too. Vote or I will beat you over the head! (Fascist!) Yes.
Yay for voting!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Real Sugar!
Yesterday at Target, I let Molly carry the two liter bottle of Sierra Mist that we were buying. The next thing I know, I have soda pop all over my foot and I'm watching a wave of it hit the doors to the refrigerated case where they keep the cheese. She's getting so big and strong, you'd think she could carry a two liter bottle. Embarrassing. :D! Yay!
I got a book at the library on marketing. In my first year of business I have learned a lot. I'm kind of excited, but I have lots left to learn, especially about time management. (Damn Facebook!) I'm going to get a business plan together for next year. After Molly starts Kindergarten next year, when she'll be gone all day, I'll be unstoppable! Unless I get pregnant again! Ahh!
Here's a picture of Molly with her new baby cousin taken Tuesday.
I got a book at the library on marketing. In my first year of business I have learned a lot. I'm kind of excited, but I have lots left to learn, especially about time management. (Damn Facebook!) I'm going to get a business plan together for next year. After Molly starts Kindergarten next year, when she'll be gone all day, I'll be unstoppable! Unless I get pregnant again! Ahh!
Here's a picture of Molly with her new baby cousin taken Tuesday.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Bug Hotel

Monday, October 18, 2010
Fall Break
Molly is on her two week fall break, and Mike took off work last week. I decided to take a bit of a break as well. I laid around watching Monk on Netflix a lot. I have to say that the series ended very nicely. I cried. October is turning out to be quite a busy month. Molly will have a new cousin within the next few hours. We have two birthday parties to go to this Saturday. Mike did some work on the bathroom in the back bedroom. And of course, Halloween is coming.
The first bathroom picture is from when we bought the place. The second is from today. The tile took the most time. It's obviously not finished yet, but the water is hooked up again and that's the important thing. :) It's also so much more spacious. Two people can actually go in there when the door is open instead of just half a person.
The first bathroom picture is from when we bought the place. The second is from today. The tile took the most time. It's obviously not finished yet, but the water is hooked up again and that's the important thing. :) It's also so much more spacious. Two people can actually go in there when the door is open instead of just half a person.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Do Gooder

However, I have been trying to organize some of my yarn and get rid of some of the scraps and left overs and stuff that I got on clearance, etc. (I would like to put a baby in that spare room some day, but it's full of yarn and fabric and random things.) And while I know how lucky we are here in America and I am glad to give to people around the world, there still remains the fact that there are those in our own communities that could benefit from our generosity. I'm AM NOT a firm believer in the philosophy that poor people are just lazy, especially when there is a recession going on. There is an organization right here in OKC that collects clothes up to 6T, diapers, toys, formula, etc. called Infant Crisis Services, Inc. Visit for a complete list of needed items. I also like to go to Target when I have a little extra cash, which isn't very often, unfortunately, and buy infant and toddler clothes on clearance to add to my bag of donation goodies.
What is your favorite charitable organization?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Etsy Stuff
I added a few things up on etsy that I made awhile ago. I think my pictures are getting a lot better. Maybe. :0)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Frankly, I'm still a bit out of ideas for the blog. I have all kinds of ideas for knitting projects though, so I'm going to focus on that for the rest of the week. I really need to make a little extra cash. I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck. And I have to pay the contractor for the siding and the gutters. They seem to have done a really good job and everyone was really nice. However, we still had customer service issues, so I'm not sure I recommend the company. Anyway, I need to get some stuff on etsy that people actually want to buy, I guess. ;0) And I also I have a couple baby gifts to make. I have one pregnant cousin (that I know of) and two old friends that are pregnant. Lots of stuff to work on. Tallyhoe! Be back on Monday hopefully. Out.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Corn Sugar
I recently mentioned in a previous post that the makers of high fructose corn syrup want to change the name of their product, high fructose corn syrup, to corn sugar in a disgusting effort to make the unsuspecting public think their product is safe. I follow a blog called The Ban of High Fructose Corn Syrup and they have put up a post over there with a link to a petition. They describe their petition as "The First Global Campaign Against the Relabeling of HFCS to Corn Sugar".
Please sign the petition and do everything you can to remove high fructose corn syrup from your diet. It's for the kids. :0)
Please sign the petition and do everything you can to remove high fructose corn syrup from your diet. It's for the kids. :0)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Molly's First Program
It is allergy season. My posting will probably be more sporadic because of it, and because I've been watching The X-Files all the way through on the Netflix via the Wii. (I never realized how many episodes there are.)
Molly had her first program. They just stood on the steps at the church and sang a few songs. The little girl a couple people down from Molly kept at least one balled fist in her mouth through the entire thing. I cropped her out of the picture just in case and since I don't know her. You'll have to trust me that she was cute. Molly did very well though. I was very proud.
They also had a little art show before the program. Molly drew a picture of Ponyo for the occasion.

Molly had her first program. They just stood on the steps at the church and sang a few songs. The little girl a couple people down from Molly kept at least one balled fist in her mouth through the entire thing. I cropped her out of the picture just in case and since I don't know her. You'll have to trust me that she was cute. Molly did very well though. I was very proud.
They also had a little art show before the program. Molly drew a picture of Ponyo for the occasion.

Monday, September 20, 2010
Good Morning All!
And so we begin another week. Molly's very first program is today! I'll take pictures!

Here is my latest creation. Check it out on etsy.

Here is my latest creation. Check it out on etsy.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I am a bit inspired today. I am so upset about this. I'm actually at a loss for words. I have an idea, why don't we change the name of tobacco to "inhaled stimulant." Then no one will die of lung cancer. I think it is morally reprehensible to trick people into buying something that is so bad for them. It just isn't the same as sugar, and calling it "corn sugar" won't change that. And while I admit that I am not a doctor or a scientist, I came to this conclusion based on my own experience with it. I encourage everyone to read labels and refuse to buy anything with HFCS in it, no matter what they call it. It is not the same as sugar.
And frankly, I don't see why people in companies think it's okay to poison their customers, even if it is over a long period of time, just for money. I guess since I never really had much money, I don't know what it's like to disregard the effects my actions might have on the lives of other people, even if it is only a possibility.
I'm going to have a Penn and Teller kind of moment and say, "EFF YOU, IN THE EFFING NECK" producers of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Or maybe the soda companies, (and bread companies, etc.) could say, "Hey, you know what, maybe we should stop using it until we KNOW for SURE that it's not harming our customers."
And frankly, I don't see why people in companies think it's okay to poison their customers, even if it is over a long period of time, just for money. I guess since I never really had much money, I don't know what it's like to disregard the effects my actions might have on the lives of other people, even if it is only a possibility.
I'm going to have a Penn and Teller kind of moment and say, "EFF YOU, IN THE EFFING NECK" producers of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Or maybe the soda companies, (and bread companies, etc.) could say, "Hey, you know what, maybe we should stop using it until we KNOW for SURE that it's not harming our customers."
Monday, September 13, 2010
I'm still having trouble with subject matter for the blog. The headaches really do make me a little brain dead. I can't think of a title again either. I hope a little exercise, i.e. walking Molly to school everyday, will help my general health and sense of well being. Hopefully I will be inspired soon. I have got a few etsy items in the works. I feel so absent minded and lazy. (Shut up inner critic!)
Check out this blog. It's pretty funny.
Check out this blog. It's pretty funny.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Still Uninspired
It's raining, and it might flash flood again. Molly is watching Beavis and Butthead Do America on the Netflix. I'm concerned. She's not quite old enough to understand the irony. Is there even irony? I can't remember now. Why did I like that show? I just can't remember. Anyway. I did find this encouraging, especially considering the hurricane situation going on right now.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Back from a Short Blogging Vacation
I'm still not feeling especially inspired, but what the heck. I did finish that book, A Spot of Bother. I have to warn you, if you've decided to take my advice on reading it, that within the book is contained a scene involving scissors and lots of blood. I am a bit squeamish and it was hard to get through that part, otherwise though, it was a lovely read. I am now trying to get through Colin Powell's autobiography. It's not grabbing me in quite the same way. And he wrote it in the mid nineties so it doesn't cover the Bush years.
We also got the Netflix. You can get stuff through your Wii. So Molly now knows all about Hannah Montana and Spongebob Squarepants. I've been watching a lot of the British comedy, As Time Goes By. And Monk, but I have to wait for the DVDs to come in the mail to watch that.
I got lots of things done over the long weekend, but I've still got lots left to go. I'll get right on that. Tallyhoe!
We also got the Netflix. You can get stuff through your Wii. So Molly now knows all about Hannah Montana and Spongebob Squarepants. I've been watching a lot of the British comedy, As Time Goes By. And Monk, but I have to wait for the DVDs to come in the mail to watch that.
I got lots of things done over the long weekend, but I've still got lots left to go. I'll get right on that. Tallyhoe!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Life Update
I'll start with the garden. That two weeks of 100+ degree heat killed the green beans, and almost did in the tomatoes. Mike kept watering though and the pepper plants seem to be doing well. I think the tomato plants are going to make a comeback. I read somewhere that you can put down newspaper and cover it with compost to keep the weeds from taking over your flower beds. Since there has been a bit of a chill in the air the past couple of days, that's what I did last night where the green beans used to be. I'll let you know how it works.
Molly's first parent teacher conference was Monday. She's doing very well. Her teacher said it was obvious that we'd worked with her and she's pretty much ready for kindergarten. Yay for Molly! I shouldn't take too much credit for letting her watch PBS all day though. :0) If only I can get Molly to understand that it's okay to tell on other kids when they hit you(or bite you, or bend your thumb backwards), and that if they tell you they don't want to be your friend anymore, they are being emotionally manipulative, and you don't need friends like that anyway. Sigh. Seems too complicated for a four year old.
I'm taking the week before Labor Day off and hopefully I'll come back with some stuff for etsy and some new ideas for more exciting posts. Have a good week and holiday!
Molly's first parent teacher conference was Monday. She's doing very well. Her teacher said it was obvious that we'd worked with her and she's pretty much ready for kindergarten. Yay for Molly! I shouldn't take too much credit for letting her watch PBS all day though. :0) If only I can get Molly to understand that it's okay to tell on other kids when they hit you(or bite you, or bend your thumb backwards), and that if they tell you they don't want to be your friend anymore, they are being emotionally manipulative, and you don't need friends like that anyway. Sigh. Seems too complicated for a four year old.
I'm taking the week before Labor Day off and hopefully I'll come back with some stuff for etsy and some new ideas for more exciting posts. Have a good week and holiday!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I used to read a lot when I was young. It helped me escape my boring, depressing life. I'll not dwell on how I spent my youth. (I stick my tongue out in disgust.) I've read lots of books, some I would be proud to list, others I would not be proud for anyone to know about. That first year after Molly was born I spent a lot of time reading, until I figured out how to knit. After I finished that last Harry Potter novel, fiction just didn't do it for me anymore. I've been reading a lot of articles and such ever since the economy went all to hell, and I realized that I did actually need to pay more attention to what was going on in the world.
Now, Molly has started back to school and I find that I have about twenty minutes of free time five times a week while I wait for her to get out of school. Hmm, I thought. Maybe I can catch up on my reading. So, I picked up a book that Mike had laying around and now I've actually gotten sucked into it. Of course, it takes place in London, and everyone knows what an Anglophobe I am. Wait. I mean Anglophile. Whatever. Anyway, it's called A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. I would like to share this lovely passage from the novel with you.
With blinding clarity he realized that everyone was frolicking in a summer meadow surrounded by a dark and impenetrable forest, waiting for that grim day on which they were dragged into the dark beyond the trees and individually butchered.
How in God's name had he not noticed this before? And how did others not notice? Why did one not find them curled on the pavement howling? How did they saunter through their days unaware of this indigestible fact? And how, once the truth dawned, was it possible to forget?
I'm still only on page 119, and have quite a ways to go still, but I highly recommend it. I think I may have just been re-introduced to my first true love. Fiction. :0)
And I hope that my quoting the book is legal, because I'm really blatantly giving it free publicity, albeit to a very small audience. :) Smiley face, smiley face, smiley face!
Now, Molly has started back to school and I find that I have about twenty minutes of free time five times a week while I wait for her to get out of school. Hmm, I thought. Maybe I can catch up on my reading. So, I picked up a book that Mike had laying around and now I've actually gotten sucked into it. Of course, it takes place in London, and everyone knows what an Anglophobe I am. Wait. I mean Anglophile. Whatever. Anyway, it's called A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. I would like to share this lovely passage from the novel with you.
With blinding clarity he realized that everyone was frolicking in a summer meadow surrounded by a dark and impenetrable forest, waiting for that grim day on which they were dragged into the dark beyond the trees and individually butchered.
How in God's name had he not noticed this before? And how did others not notice? Why did one not find them curled on the pavement howling? How did they saunter through their days unaware of this indigestible fact? And how, once the truth dawned, was it possible to forget?
I'm still only on page 119, and have quite a ways to go still, but I highly recommend it. I think I may have just been re-introduced to my first true love. Fiction. :0)
And I hope that my quoting the book is legal, because I'm really blatantly giving it free publicity, albeit to a very small audience. :) Smiley face, smiley face, smiley face!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Grocery Store

I finally went to El Super Mercado on Saturday to have a look around. I'm excited by the produce prices. I'm also excited by the bottle of Coke that I bought with sugar in it. It was lovely, but I had to share it. :0) I don't know if they have a website and I can't remember the whole name yet, so I might have to get back to you on how my future shopping there goes.
I would like to share my paprika experience at the Asian super market that I go to now and again. It's called Super Cao Nguyen. I like to get rice noodles and baguettes there. Oh, and potstickers. But I ran across this paprika there when I happened to be out, and I bought it for $1.99. It seems like it will last forever. :0) Anyway I highly recommend shopping around at different stores. There is much savings to be had. Happy Shopping!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tofu Tacos
Here it is my tofu taco recipe just in time for Meatless Monday. This can also be done with different meats if you just can't live without meat, which some days, I find it impossible.
When the peppers are hot and softened a little, add one can of black beans, do not drain.
Mistake number one, I forgot to see how many ounces the tofu package is. Sorry. But I use half a package. Don't worry it's really a throw together kind of recipe, so the amounts don't have to be perfect. First I mash up the tofu with my (clean) hands and put it in a pan with a little olive oil. Brown the tofu until it looks kind of like well done scrambled eggs.
I used the following seasonings: salt, pepper, red pepper, cumin, paprika, and onion powder. Then chop up your vegetables of choice. I like to use different colored bell peppers. I also usually use mushrooms, but I was out on this particular day. My husband hates onions, so I have to settle for onion powder, although, for some dishes I cook some separately and add it after I've gotten my portion. If you don't have a four year old, you could also add some jalapenos or other hot peppers.
Add the peppers to the browned tofu.
When the peppers are hot and softened a little, add one can of black beans, do not drain.
Add more spices if necessary. Spoon into a taco shell and garnish to your preference. One thing I love to do is cut up an avocado and put a couple pieces in each taco.
Just a reminder. It's best to eat local meat, if you can afford it. However, if everyone who eats corporate meat were to have one vegetarian meal a week, the effect would be well worth the effort. Just something to think about.
Happy eatings!
Friday, August 20, 2010
It's been a rather uninspired week of blogging. I apologize. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the wealth of information out there just waiting to be clicked on, and I think, "What could I possible have to add to that?" And then I get distracted by a four year old who wants me to play MarioKart for her. And then there's the sinus headaches.
Anyhoo, I'm making a pair of baby tube socks, so hopefully I'll have them up on etsy by this time next week. We'll see how the weekend goes.
Signing off with a heavy head, and another link to an interesting article about James Baldwin.
Anyhoo, I'm making a pair of baby tube socks, so hopefully I'll have them up on etsy by this time next week. We'll see how the weekend goes.
Signing off with a heavy head, and another link to an interesting article about James Baldwin.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Babies R Us
A friend of mine complained the other day that the manager at our local Babies R Us threatened to beat her mother. I don't know the whole story, but this particular friend had already started a blog about how much she hated Babies R Us. I've never had a bad experience there, but I can't say that service has ever been good, either. If you are interested in airing your views, go to my friend Jenni's blog.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I hate writing titles.
I'm still a bit ill, and having trouble using my brain for intelligent intercourse. So here is another link that I found on Facebook that I thought would be interesting. It's about Niagra Falls. Happy reading.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Baby Shower Gifts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I got all depressed yesterday and I didn't feel like writing. I'm in a bit of a slump. I guess I'm trying to adjust to Pre-K. I have lots of time to myself to do work. I can't use Molly as an excuse now. I still have to make the time and do the work. Sigh. I'm also PMS-y and the effin heat is driving me crazy. Anyway, I'll come back on Monday, August 16. It's supposed be in the mid 90's that week. :)
Signing off for now.
Signing off for now.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Meatless Monday!
I decided after reading an article on NPR to stick with the food theme from last Thursday. I don't usually pick a specific day to do it, but I have been making a vegetarian meal for dinner one night a week for awhile now. I read or heard somewhere that it's good for the environment. My husband also doesn't like to eat red meat all the time. Apparently there is a movement going on started by the guy who convinced us to squeeze Charmin so long ago. The Meatless Monday website has lots of recipes though to get you started. I think I might sit down and write out my own recipe for tofu tacos that my husband I have developed over time starting with boiled chicken breasts and substituting tofu later. Now I go back and forth. I'll get on that soon. I took the weekend off and I have so much to do!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Deep Breath! That's It!
Okay, so. The heat is wearing me out. My heels are so cracked, and I can't even enjoy my Dr. Pepper with real sugar in it, because I just get so thirsty!!!!! Enough complaining.
I thought I'd try a slow-cooker recipe, Adobo chicken, that turned out awesome! (I came in my pants!- OUCH! that was vulgar!) I used split breasts instead of a whole chicken, and I think, as a result, cooked them too long, but they were like butt-ah! Well, tangy butter. I chopped up the leftovers a couple days later and made sandwiches with mayonnaise. That was awesome too.
Taking the day off tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
I thought I'd try a slow-cooker recipe, Adobo chicken, that turned out awesome! (I came in my pants!- OUCH! that was vulgar!) I used split breasts instead of a whole chicken, and I think, as a result, cooked them too long, but they were like butt-ah! Well, tangy butter. I chopped up the leftovers a couple days later and made sandwiches with mayonnaise. That was awesome too.
Taking the day off tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Crest Foods now accepts internet coupons. I can't express my excitement. I'm sure I'll still take them to Target, as it is so much closer to my house, but sometimes Crest is so much cheaper.
My favorite site from which to print coupons is, it's very slick and easy. I also checked out and, but they weren't as user friendly, and they all had pretty much the same coupons. I don't remember all I the sites I went to but I got a few of those pesky netflix pop up adds, which I find very irritating. I don't think I'll ever be a netflix customer.
Of course, there are still Target coupons at I found a $1 off glass baby bottles that I may try and use for an upcoming baby shower. Depends how much they are.
Happy Saving!
My favorite site from which to print coupons is, it's very slick and easy. I also checked out and, but they weren't as user friendly, and they all had pretty much the same coupons. I don't remember all I the sites I went to but I got a few of those pesky netflix pop up adds, which I find very irritating. I don't think I'll ever be a netflix customer.
Of course, there are still Target coupons at I found a $1 off glass baby bottles that I may try and use for an upcoming baby shower. Depends how much they are.
Happy Saving!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Etsy Update 8/3/10

I finally got the dusting mitts up on etsy. I also put up a listing for 2 for $15. The dust mops are also available for the twofer special.
I'm excited because now that I've got some stuff up, I can do some more creative things. :0) I've also got a couple baby shower gifts left to make.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The First Day of School
And here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for.
I am currently enjoying the peace and quiet. And the
neighbor kid is in the afternoon class as well, so that
worked out. Yay!
I am currently enjoying the peace and quiet. And the
neighbor kid is in the afternoon class as well, so that
worked out. Yay!
Friday, July 30, 2010
My Third Follower!
My page views have increased a bit, and I'm excited about getting a follower that is actually someone I've never met! Things are starting to get interesting. Hopefully! :0)
Molly starts Pre-K on Monday. I still don't know what time to drop her off and pick her up. I'll have to call up there today. Sometimes I look at her and think how awesome it would be to be able to start over from the beginning again, except this time a lot smarter. I'm not envious exactly, but sad for myself a little. Aw, well, such is life. It's not about me anymore.
The Crest in Edmond sells the anniversary Dr. Pepper with real sugar in it. We drove up there last night and bought four 12 packs. That should last me quite sometime. I have banned Molly from drinking regular soda pop because I have associated behavioral issues with it. Now she has to drink juice or water when we go somewhere for lunch. She did argue with me a little, but over all she seems sort of grateful that I put my foot down.
I thought I'd leave with a couple pictures that Molly took to entertain herself when I left the camera unattended. They seem a bit postmodern, don't you think? :)

Molly starts Pre-K on Monday. I still don't know what time to drop her off and pick her up. I'll have to call up there today. Sometimes I look at her and think how awesome it would be to be able to start over from the beginning again, except this time a lot smarter. I'm not envious exactly, but sad for myself a little. Aw, well, such is life. It's not about me anymore.
The Crest in Edmond sells the anniversary Dr. Pepper with real sugar in it. We drove up there last night and bought four 12 packs. That should last me quite sometime. I have banned Molly from drinking regular soda pop because I have associated behavioral issues with it. Now she has to drink juice or water when we go somewhere for lunch. She did argue with me a little, but over all she seems sort of grateful that I put my foot down.
I thought I'd leave with a couple pictures that Molly took to entertain herself when I left the camera unattended. They seem a bit postmodern, don't you think? :)

Crest Foods,
Dr. Pepper,
soda pop,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Loud Noises by Multitudes of Children
We went to the Science Museum (formerly known as the Omniplex) today with some friends. I just feel grumpy now from all the noise. It was busy, but lots of fun for the kids. They don't mind all the noise. And they don't have to keep track of themselves, the way their mothers have to keep track of them. I forgot to take the camera, which sucks. But check out the website and remember all those times you went when you were a kid. Also remember that in these hard economic times, museums need what little support we can spare for them. My friend Jamie has a pass so I didn't have to pay to get in, but I did buy some cookies at the snack bar and I got Molly a freeze dried ice cream sandwich at the gift shop. Yay for SCIENCE! (Okay that was a little sarcastic Sen. Inhoffe, sorry.)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Jeri Askins it is then. Yay!
I will have to do some research on the other candidates. I didn't recognize many names when I voted so I started just picking women at some point. Thank God Sally Kern's name wasn't on my ballot, ha!
Don't forget Obama on The View tomorrow! 10:00am KOCO 5.
Okay, enough with the politics for awhile. I personally am so sick of all those crazy commercials. I am also saddened that only conservatives get to be patriotic and constitutional. :0)
The founding fathers were deists. I'm just saying.
I will have to do some research on the other candidates. I didn't recognize many names when I voted so I started just picking women at some point. Thank God Sally Kern's name wasn't on my ballot, ha!
Don't forget Obama on The View tomorrow! 10:00am KOCO 5.
Okay, enough with the politics for awhile. I personally am so sick of all those crazy commercials. I am also saddened that only conservatives get to be patriotic and constitutional. :0)
The founding fathers were deists. I'm just saying.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Primary Voting!
I am so hooked on voting. I finally enjoy taking part in something bigger than myself. :0)
I don't know who to vote for though, for governor and I'm not informed enough on the other races. I can totally go with Askins or Edmondson. I suppose it's a numbers game, deciding which has the best chance against that woman that voted for the bank bailouts. Ha! ha! I kind of wish I lived in a state where I wasn't so outnumbered in my political views. It's lonely.
Go Vote!
I don't know who to vote for though, for governor and I'm not informed enough on the other races. I can totally go with Askins or Edmondson. I suppose it's a numbers game, deciding which has the best chance against that woman that voted for the bank bailouts. Ha! ha! I kind of wish I lived in a state where I wasn't so outnumbered in my political views. It's lonely.
Go Vote!
Monday, July 26, 2010
It's This or The Gulag!
I'm starting the blogging week off on a sleepy-ish, Monday kind of tone. It's also my last week before Molly starts school, so I'm going to try and line up some activities that we probably won't get to do until Fall break. Today is library day because I don't want to do anything else and the library only takes a half hour or so. I still have lots of work to do that I meant to do while Molly was at my mom's.
I had a great week end. On Friday I took several deep breaths and finally did the sock heel that I started back in February or whenever it was. Anyhow, I did it. I did a sock heel! I'm working on the instep now. I'll take a photo when I finish it. Saturday we went to Pop's in Arcadia. We bought some Dr. Pepper that had sugar in it. Very, very good. I also got a bottle of Leninade which was decent enough lemonade flavored soda pop, but the bottle was hilarious. "A taste worth standing in line for."
After lunch at Pop's we went to my aunt's for a family pool party. I swam for a couple of hours hoping to work off some of my back fat. Ha!ha! I forgot to take my camera, so I didn't get any pictures of Molly hanging out on the steps. She would hold onto the bar and get her whole body in the water, but still be holding on to the rail, and then say, "Look Grammy! I'm all the way in!"
I didn't think to take a picture of the Leninade until after I'd drunk it all, so it was hard to get the full effect.
Yesterday we were all a bit tired and grumpy but I managed to get some work done anyway. Today the plan is to go to the library before lunch and give Molly a hair cut after lunch. I want to work on the sock, but I need to get etsy stuff done too. What to do, what to do!
Don't forget to vote in the primaries tomorrow!
I had a great week end. On Friday I took several deep breaths and finally did the sock heel that I started back in February or whenever it was. Anyhow, I did it. I did a sock heel! I'm working on the instep now. I'll take a photo when I finish it. Saturday we went to Pop's in Arcadia. We bought some Dr. Pepper that had sugar in it. Very, very good. I also got a bottle of Leninade which was decent enough lemonade flavored soda pop, but the bottle was hilarious. "A taste worth standing in line for."
After lunch at Pop's we went to my aunt's for a family pool party. I swam for a couple of hours hoping to work off some of my back fat. Ha!ha! I forgot to take my camera, so I didn't get any pictures of Molly hanging out on the steps. She would hold onto the bar and get her whole body in the water, but still be holding on to the rail, and then say, "Look Grammy! I'm all the way in!"
I didn't think to take a picture of the Leninade until after I'd drunk it all, so it was hard to get the full effect.
Yesterday we were all a bit tired and grumpy but I managed to get some work done anyway. Today the plan is to go to the library before lunch and give Molly a hair cut after lunch. I want to work on the sock, but I need to get etsy stuff done too. What to do, what to do!
Don't forget to vote in the primaries tomorrow!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Every time I search the blogs for blogs to follow, I come across all these "Mommy blogs" and they all thank god many many times for all their blessings, and it all just makes me sick. I always wonder what goes on in those families when no one is looking, because no one can be that beautiful AND happy AND grateful AND perfect.
Then I sit down to write my own blog and find myself writing about my only child, whom I love so dearly. She's starting school in about a week and a half, and I admit I'm getting a bit misty. But the thing is it doesn't seem like YESTERDAY that I brought her home from the hospital, it seems like a long ass time ago. So much has happened since then, and I guess it went by kind of fast, but the experience has been such a full one that I'm actually a bit exhausted. I'm so looking forward to my two and half hours a day to myself. :)
One day when she was a baby I was watching Reno 911 while she screamed in my arms. I can't remember enough about the episode to explain it, but someone was singing Amazing Grace and I remembered how soothing that song was. I started singing it and Molly went right to sleep. I sang it often to her going back and forth between that and Train In Vain by the Clash. As a non believer, it is hard to know how to approach the subject of religion with a child, because I want her to make up her own mind about it someday. As I sang that song to my infant, I started to understand how easy it would be to give credit to something other than myself for all the joy I felt. Saying I'm lucky seems so hollow somehow. And while I still can't take that leap of faith, I can say that life does seem rather magical sometimes. And there, by the grace of god go I.
Then I sit down to write my own blog and find myself writing about my only child, whom I love so dearly. She's starting school in about a week and a half, and I admit I'm getting a bit misty. But the thing is it doesn't seem like YESTERDAY that I brought her home from the hospital, it seems like a long ass time ago. So much has happened since then, and I guess it went by kind of fast, but the experience has been such a full one that I'm actually a bit exhausted. I'm so looking forward to my two and half hours a day to myself. :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010
I have caught the squirrels eating the pears
off the pear tree, and when I dug up
my potatoes I found several buried
pecans trying to grow. I think I know
how they got there. But the other day
I realized Molly's sunflower was all
droopy because (and I'm assuming here)
a squirrel sat on the fence and ate
all the seeds out of it. All those shells
on the ground are empty. My tomatoes
still going strong.

my potatoes I found several buried
pecans trying to grow. I think I know
how they got there. But the other day
I realized Molly's sunflower was all
droopy because (and I'm assuming here)
a squirrel sat on the fence and ate
all the seeds out of it. All those shells
on the ground are empty. My tomatoes
still going strong.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wednesday, Bloody Wednesday
First of all, I have to point out something you may have already deemed obvious. I'm not good at titles. I've always hated it. I didn't want anyone to think that I didn't already know. No need to be polite. :)
I'm sorry I skipped yesterday, I went school clothes shopping and I finished up a certain baby shower gift. And I played Frontierville. (Why can't I stop?)
I'm really amazed at my tomato harvesting. I've had to tie up the plants because the cages are falling over. I also cut the ends off of the plants because the won't stop growing and blooming. It's insane. I made spaghetti sauce and used the leftover for pizza sauce and it was SOOOOO good.
I don't want to go into any details, since the, technically, the whole world can read this, but I am SOOOO tired of drama. It's not as bad now that I don't actually get upset, and I know there's nothing I can do about it anyway, but I'm still tired of it. I just want to enjoy myself and my loved ones. I don't want to be involved in conflict. Sigh! Okay, I feel better now.
Here's a picture of my biggest tomato so far.
I'm sorry I skipped yesterday, I went school clothes shopping and I finished up a certain baby shower gift. And I played Frontierville. (Why can't I stop?)
I'm really amazed at my tomato harvesting. I've had to tie up the plants because the cages are falling over. I also cut the ends off of the plants because the won't stop growing and blooming. It's insane. I made spaghetti sauce and used the leftover for pizza sauce and it was SOOOOO good.
I don't want to go into any details, since the, technically, the whole world can read this, but I am SOOOO tired of drama. It's not as bad now that I don't actually get upset, and I know there's nothing I can do about it anyway, but I'm still tired of it. I just want to enjoy myself and my loved ones. I don't want to be involved in conflict. Sigh! Okay, I feel better now.
Here's a picture of my biggest tomato so far.
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