Sunday, February 7, 2010


I made socks for my husband's nieces for Christmas this year. I went to Michael's with my forty percent coupons, proud of my thriftiness, and bought the Patons Stretch Socks yarn. I decided to do this the week of Thanksgiving, thinking surely I had enough time to make three pairs of socks. I'd never made socks before, but I knew with each sock it would go faster and faster. I spent whole days yelling at my daughter to leave me alone while I knitted feverishly. By the time the day after Christmas came and we headed to my sister-in-law's house for the family get together, I was sick of socks, and I still had two of them left to make. I vowed I would mail them in a couple weeks feeling a bit of a failure.

I finally finished the last pair last Thursday (That's February 4). I took a couple pictures, thinking it would make a good blog subject, because I thought the socks turned out quite nice. I used a free pattern from Patons that I picked u
p at Hobby Lobby. This tube sock pattern was easy too, as I didn't have to make a heel.

I have the socks all boxed up and I only have to take them to the post office. I hope the girls like them. I still feel bad, mostly for starting a project I couldn't finish in time. We got them a little something else for Christmas, so they weren't present-less or anything. I underestimated the power of the socks!
On the plus side I have enough yarn left that I think I could make some newborn socks out of it. I also started a pair of socks for my husband. This pair will have heels. So, while I may have had a setback with the socks, I have not been defeated!

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